In-Home Sleep Test from Intus Healthcare


An In-Home Sleep Test is a fast and affordable way to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). The convenient sleep study is the most validated home Sleep Apnoea test available, offering accuracy comparable to the sleep clinic. Enjoy our limited-time offer and save 11% today; hurry sale ends on 31st March.

Our WatchPAT device requires one night of sleep recorded, and you will receive results within two working days, so you can start treatment quickly. Results are independently analysed by our NHS-qualified sleep clinicians. Results showing moderate to severe OSA include a clinical consultation with our clinicians to discuss treatment.

Our service is tailored for people who suspect they have Sleep Apnoea and want it confirmed efficiently. Please be aware you must be over 18 and have a BMI below 45 to take this test.

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£140.83Ex. VAT

The In-Home Sleep Apnoea Test

If you have symptoms of the sleep disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, our In-Home Sleep Test is a reliable and convenient way to diagnose it at home.

A sleep study needs to be taken to begin treatment for Sleep Apnoea, stating the condition is present. Our tests use the revolutionary WatchPAT diagnostic, with accuracy comparable to hospital and NHS sleep clinic PSG testing in-depth sleep analysis, all from the comfort of your home.


Fast—We understand how important your sleep is, so we ship your test the next working day and send you your results within two working days of returning it.

Confidential – Your results are yours alone; we have no obligation to inform any third party.

Convenient – You complete the test in your own bed at a time that fits you. There is no need to book time off work for an appointment or overnight stay.

Great Alternative to NHS Sleep Clinic: An at-home sleep study allows you to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnoea without waiting for a test through the NHS so that you can start treatment quickly.

Reliable – The WatchPAT sleep study devices are the most clinically validated home sleep test available. The results correlate 90% with Polysomnography, the “Gold standard” OSA diagnostic that requires an overnight stay. No other in-home Sleep Apnoea test approved by the main regulatory body, the AASM, can provide this level of accuracy.

Your test is analysed by our in-house NHS trained sleep clinicians who have at least five years of experience and are accredited by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT).

We are members of both the ARTP and the BSS professional bodies and are in the process of gaining IQIP certification. In summary, we are trusted to provide a professional, reliable, and accurate service and have been doing so for over ten years.


How does it work?

The sleep test monitors your blood oxygen levels, heart rate, body position, movements, snoring intensity, and Peripheral Arterial Tone (a key physiological signal that can indicate respiratory disturbances during sleep).

The simple and comfortable device gives our sleep technicians a comprehensive picture of your sleep for accurate results. This test assesses the presence (or not) of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea only.


Which test do I need?

The Rapid tests provide results one to three days earlier than the standard version. The data is transferred to us via your smartphone rather than waiting for the device to be posted back to us to download. Click to watch our video guide for the Rapid Sleep Test or click to watch our video guide for the Standard Sleep Test.

The WatchPat One app can be found on the Apple App Store here or Google Play here on your smartphone.


What happens next?

Diagnosis of Sleep Apnoea is required within your results letter to begin treatment:

Sleep Apnoea machine in pink circle |


Suitable Treatment Options—If your test shows that OSA was present, you can purchase equipment to begin treatment (provided no other health conditions would preclude that) and start sleeping properly again. The recommended options will depend on your OSA’s severity and medical history. We are one of Europe’s largest providers of Sleep Apnoea treatment options including CPAP therapy, Positional Sleep Therapy and Mandibular Devices.


Magnifying glass in pink circle |

Further investigation—If you would like a further investigation into your sleep, you can discuss your results with your GP. They may then refer you to a sleep clinic, which will determine what investigation is required. Please note that a referral based on your result from us is not guaranteed, but demonstrating evidence of a sleep disorder should make your GP’s decision to refer more straightforward. Further investigation may be essential in some cases should health issues beyond “just” Sleep Apnoea be suspected.



We are here to help

Contact us if you require further information; we are happy to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

Additional information

Weight 450 g
Dimensions 15 × 8 × 8 cm
Body Position


CE Certified




Test Option (see description for more information)

Rapid, Standard

Can anyone take an In-Home Sleep Test?

Our Sleep Test services are only available to people aged 18 or over.

We also recommend not taking this test if your BMI is 45 or above. This is because any treatment will likely need to be overseen by a specialist, which is a level of care we cannot provide. Instead, we recommend discussing your sleep symptoms with your GP at your earliest convenience.

Do you use a CPAP machine? If you are an existing CPAP user, you should pause using your machine for five days before taking a sleep test.

What is the cancellation policy?

Please note this is a service, and once your Sleep Apnoea Test Kit has been dispatched, the order cannot be cancelled as the service will have begun. Unused tests can be returned, but the refund will be limited due to costs already incurred by us in the provision of the test, regardless of it not having been taken.


How do I use the standard sleep test?

Using our Standard In-Home Sleep Test is simple and takes just one night to complete. Included with your test is a set of easy-to-follow instructions, and you will also receive an email with helpful guidance. After testing, you must complete the online medical questionnaire and consent forms and use the prepaid returns bag to return the device to us. Once we get the device back, we’ll upload your data and pass it to one of our sleep clinicians to review and report on. You can learn more about this by watching our video below.

Can I use the sleep test if I use a pacemaker?

The WatchPAT device is safe for pacemaker patients; however, its accuracy can vary depending on the pacemaker type.

WatchPAT relies on the combination of blood vessel constriction and an increased heart rate to identify respiratory events.

When a pacemaker controls the heart rate, and no natural heart rate is present, the WatchPAT device encounters difficulties in accurately detecting respiratory events.

On-demand pacemakers are suitable for use with the WatchPAT device. However, patients with permanent pacing should avoid using it, as the results may be less definitive and clear.